Learning Chinese Through Idioms and Their Stories

Chuan-Juan Huang, Xiao-Pei Tian

  • PublishedAugust, 2024
  • Binding平裝 / 26*19 / 176pages / 單色(黑) / 中文,英文
  • Publisher國立臺灣大學出版中心
  • SeriesEducation-Textbooks
  • ISBN978-986-350-851-9
  • GPN1011300921
  • Price NT$360
  • Paper Books San Min Books / wunan / books.com.tw / National Books / iRead / eslite / TAAZE /
Written with intermediate-level vocabulary, this book allows non-native students to understand the historical stories behind the idioms in a simple and clear way. Through sentence structure exercises and guided questions, students also learn how to use these idioms properly in different contexts. The twelve idioms selected in this book are not only frequently heard in daily life but also carry significant historical allusions. Most importantly, the innovation of this textbook lies in aligning its vocabulary with the TOCFL (Taiwan's Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) standards, marking words in the stories according to their proficiency levels. This systematic approach enables students to build a foundation for learning higher-level Chinese effectively, making it highly beneficial for both classroom instruction and self-study.
Chuan-Juan Huang
Division Director, Curriculum and Instruction of the International Chinese Language Program

Xiao-Pei Tian
Senior Mandarin Instructor of the International Chinese Language Program

About ICLP
The International Chinese Language Program (ICLP) at National Taiwan University was established in 1962, pioneering as the world's first institution to offer both modern and classical Chinese courses. Renowned for its teaching method that emphasizes speaking to enhance listening, reading, and writing skills, ICLP is distinguished by its small-class intensive training courses. These unique features have positioned the center as a global leader in Chinese language education. Many prominent diplomats, scholars, and business leaders today have received training at ICLP.

第一課 畫蛇添足 Drawing Legs on a Snake
第二課 緣木求魚 Climbing a Tree to Catch Fish
第三課 井底之蛙 The Frog at the Bottom of the Well
第四課 杯弓蛇影 Seeing a Bow Reflected in a Cup as a Snake
第五課 黔驢技窮 The Guizhou Donkey Has Exhausted Its Tricks
第六課 驚弓之鳥 A Bird Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bow
第七課 投鼠忌器 Refraining from Shooting at the Rat for Fear of Breaking the Vases
第八課 騎虎難下 Riding a Tiger and Finding It Hard to Get Off
第九課 如魚得水 Like a Fish Back in Water
第十課 九牛一毛 One Hair from Nine Oxen
第十一課 三人成虎 Three People Make a Tiger
第十二課 殺雞儆猴 Killing the Chicken to Warn the Monkey

有鑑於此,我們編寫了一本專為二語學習者設計的成語故事教材,並以臺灣華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)詞彙等級BAND B(進階級和高階級)為主軸(75%),少量Band A與Band C詞彙為輔(25%),並搭配中級程度之常用語法,平均每課有三十六個生詞、五至六個語法點;最後一課則為總複習,循序漸進、由淺入深,有利學習者溫故知新,同時接受一點較高程度之挑戰。