Call for Manuscripts
A. Manuscript submission
1. Authors should email the “Information of Submitted Manuscript” form and the electronic file of their manuscript to the National Taiwan University Press (NTU Press) ( or mail to the Editorial Department of NTU Press (2F Halcyon House, 18 Siyuan Street, Da-an District, Taipei City 10087).
2. Authors will be contacted after their manuscripts are received by the NTU Press.
B. Manuscript format
1. The accepted formats for the manuscript are DOC, TXT, or other editable formats.
2. If the manuscript contains charts, photos, or pictures, clearly indicate their location in text or directly place them in the right location in text.
3. Photos and pictures should have a resolution of 300dpi or higher, and the dimensions of their source files should be at least as big as they will appear in the book for the purposes of printing.
C. Copyright
1. Authors should ensure that their submitted manuscript does not infringe the intellectual property rights of others or violate other laws or academic ethics.
2. If the manuscript contains photos or pictures, authors should note the copyright-related issues.
3. Authors should not submit a manuscript currently under consideration for possible publication by other publishers to the NTU Press.
D. Academic book review
1. Submitted academic books or textbooks will go through an anonymous academic review process.
2. Once a review decision is made towards publishing the submitted manuscript, a publishing contract will be signed between the authors and the NTU Press before the manuscript enters the editing and publishing process.