Laicization, Cultivation and Translocality: Sociological Interpretation of Religions in Contemporary Taiwan

Chi, Wei-Hsian (ed.)

  • PublishedNovember, 2022
  • Binding平裝 / 23*17 / 392pages / 單色(黑) / 中文
  • Publisher國立臺灣大學出版中心
  • SeriesAcademia Sinica Sociology Series 3
  • ISBN978-986-350-650-8
  • GPN1011101464
  • Price NT$620
  • ebook
    KOBO / TAAZE / /
  • Paper Books San Min Books / wunan / / National Books / iRead / eslite / TAAZE /
  • EISBN(PDF)978-986-350-683-6
  • EISBN(EPub)978-986-350-684-3
Taiwan is a society rich in diversity, where new and old religions coexist, religious imports and exports coincide, and multiple religions are synthesized and integrated, creating a unique religious spectacle. From a sociological perspective, this book analyzes Taiwan’s distinctive religious landscape, attempting to provide a framework for understanding religious diversity and reflecting on possible alternatives to Western knowledge frameworks, thereby establishing a knowledge map of Taiwan’s religion.
The book is divided into three main parts: The first part, “Religious Landscape of Taiwanese Society,” consists of four chapters discussing the four main religions in Taiwan—Buddhism, Taoism, folk beliefs, and Christianity. It examines how these religions develop their respective responses to the growing trend of modern spiritual demands and the societal expectations for religious groups to address public issues. The second part, “Reflections on Religious Issues and Knowledge Frameworks,” showcases the perspectives of interactive comparison and quantitative research, demonstrating how these methods can be applied to religious issues. The third part, “Religion Across Social Mobility,” includes chapters that provide valuable insights into Taiwanese religion. It highlights how ethnic identity is an endogenous factor in constructing religious subjectivity and explores how the identity of “Chinese” influences the religious subjectivity of Southeast Asian Chinese and affects the delineation of boundaries among Chinese Muslims in Southeast Asian societies.
Wei-Hsian Chi
Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica


第一章 導言:臺灣宗教的社會學解讀/齊偉先

第壹部分 臺灣社會的宗教風貌

第二章 佛教與現代性:多元文化脈絡的臺灣佛教變遷/劉怡寧
第三章 道教研究的社會學課題與當代道教處境/丁仁傑
第四章 儀式、香火與廟宇:現代治理情境中的傳統民間信仰/齊偉先
第五章 團體與社會共舞:臺灣基督宗教與社會變遷/黃克先

第貳部分 宗教議題的省思與知識構框

第六章 邁向世俗化的多重路徑:從交互比較的觀點重新檢視中文語境中的世俗化概念/林峯燦
第七章 臺灣宗教的量化詮釋:探索量化研究的議題與變遷/范綱華

第參部分 跨社會流動的宗教

第八章 離散、移民或少數族群?東南亞華人民間教團研究的視角/林育生
第九章 一貫道的當代轉型:從民間教派到跨國宗教/楊弘任
第十章 華人穆斯林的亞洲離散:穆斯林社會研究的視點/邱炫元
