Experiments in General Chemistry, 4th Edition

Jui-Lin She, Chih-Kai Lin Chief Editors
Hsin-Yun Chang, Mei-Ling Wu, Yuan-Jui Chang Executive Editors

「Experiments in General Chemistry, 4th Edition」是專為大學修習普通化學實驗之一年級學生所編寫的英文實驗教材。內容涵蓋基礎化學、定性與定量分析化學、動力學、電化學與熱力學、有機化學及新穎材料化學等,共18個實驗及18項實驗技能。適合生命科學及材料工程領域學生之學習。實驗教材編寫理念著重於:印證化學原理、基礎實驗技能練習、強化實驗安全與GHS之觀念,並設計合成與性質鑑定兼具之統整型實驗。讓學生由實作中學習科學研究方法,建立探究精神,經由合成新穎材料,如高溫超導體、導電高分子、金奈米粒子等實驗,瞭解科學發展動向,從而增進學生對基礎科學研究之興趣。本書以示範照片搭配實驗步驟、彩色印刷的方式呈現,幫助學生理解及提升學習成效。

Chief Editors: Jui-Lin She, Chih-Kai Lin; Executive Editors: Hsin-Yun Chang, Mei-Ling Wu, Yuan-Jui Chang
General laboratory policy
First aid
Laboratory apparatus
GHS and lab safety certification and identification
Experiment 1 Molar volume of nitrogen gas
Experiment 2 Determination of the chemical formula of a compound
Experiment 3 Qualitative analysis of group 1 cations
Experiment 4 Qualitative analysis of group 2 cations
Experiment 5 Heat of reactions
Experiment 6 Quantitative analysis of vitamin C
Experiment 7 Preparation of alum
Experiment 8 Iodine clock – the initial rate method
Experiment 9 Iodine clock - the integrated rate law and activation energy
Experiment 10 Quantitative analysis of cobalt(II) ions
Experiment 11 Conducting polymer-polyaniline
Experiment 12 Buffer solutions
Experiment 13 Potentiometric titration of acid-base
Experiment 14 The solubility product constant of silver acetate
Experiment 15 Synthesis of acid-base indicators
Experiment 16 Synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles
Experiment 17 Synthesis of superconductor
Experiment 18 Organic molecular modeling