台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 46):台灣當代詩專輯
Kuo-ch'ing Tu (杜國清) and Terence Russell(羅德仁) 編
- 出版日期2020年11月 出版
- 書籍裝訂平裝 / 21*14 / 272頁 / 單色(黑) / 英文
- 出版單位US-Taiwan Literature Foundation & National Taiwan University Press
- 叢書系列Taiwan Literature:English Translation Series 46
- ISBN978-986-350-415-3
- GPN1010901259
- 定價480元
電子書KOBO / Readmoo / TAAZE / 博客來 /
- 紙本書 三民書局 / 五南網路書店 / 博客來 / 國家書店 / 灰熊愛讀書 / 誠品網路書店 / 讀冊生活 /
This issue contains the verse of twenty-four poets.
From 1924, when Hsieh Chun-mu first published four “Poems in Imitation,” the development of new poetry in Taiwan has a history of almost one hundred years. The roots of new poetry in Taiwan with its “twin flower bulbs,” to use the phrase coined by Chen Chien-wu, has now bloomed and borne fruit. It manifests diversified themes, and places great stress on both artistic expression and social concern. It recognizes globalization as the major trend of the times, and maintains a dynamic balance between nativist consciousness and the ensibilities of the Chinese cultural diaspora. Taiwan literature and its new poetry written in Chinese should have a place in the Chinese world community,as well as in the history of world literature. Limited by the space allowed for the journal, we could only select works related to “local” and “quotidian” writing. Yet we hope to observe through these works the manner in which the unique charm and gracefulness of contemporary poetry from Taiwan has blossomed in the garden of world literature.
Foreword to the Special Issue on Contemporary Poetry from Taiwan/Kuo-ch’ing Tu
Selections of Contemporary Poetry from Taiwan: The Local and the Quotidian—Introduction to the Special Issue on Contemporary Poetry from Taiwan/Horng Shuling
I. The Convergence of Life Experience and Historical Memory 生命經驗與歷史記憶的結合
Chen Chien-wu 陳千武(1922–2012)
Poem of Childhood 童年的詩
Carrier Pigeon 信鴿
Mazu’s Birthday 媽祖生
An Old Two-Story House 古屋小樓
Fingernails 指甲
The Drummer’s Song 鼓手之歌
Lin Hengtai 林亨泰(1924–)
Subtropics No.1 亞熱帶(1)
Subtropics No.2 亞熱帶(2)
Village 鄉村
Rest at Sunset 日入而息
Village Opera 村戲
Life 生活
Landscape No.1 風景(1)
Landscape No.2 風景(2)
Xiang Ming 向明 (1928–)
Tumor 瘤
Hide-and-Seek 捉迷藏
Lesson One 第一課
Plant in a Hanging Basket 吊籃植物
Tattered Army Blanket 破軍氈
A Kite Brought from Across the Sea 隔海捎來一隻風箏
Cheng Chiung-ming 鄭炯明(1948–)
I’m a Bird of Thought 我是一隻思想的鳥
Drum 鼓
A Musical Note Reborn—On the Kaohsiung 228 Memorial 重生的音符――記高雄市二二八紀念碑
Immortal Soul—For the Writer Yeh Shih-t’ao 不朽的魂――向文學家葉石濤致敬
The Boat—For Shihong 船――焚寄拾虹
The Screen of the Sky 天空的布幕
Prayer to Death 死亡的祈禱
Bai Ling 白靈(1951–)
Kite 風箏
Mountain Temple 山寺
Childhood I: The Forties 童年之一――四十年代
Childhood II: The Fifties 童年之二――五十年代
Springtime Comes to Taipei 春天來臺北小住
The Evening Paper 晚報
Kinmen Kaoliang 金門高粱
Chen Ichih 陳義芝(1953–)
Rainy Taiwan 雨水台灣
Invisible Rash 隱形疹子
Private Room in a Cafe, the 1970s 雅座七○年代
Pseudonyms for Hualien 花蓮的筆名
Jade Mountain in Winter 冬日玉山
Lu Han-hsiu 路寒袖 (1958–)
Solitary Standing Flower 孤挺花
My Father Was a Train Engineer 我的父親是火車司機
Half-Gauge Train 五分車
Needle 針
The Wardrobe 衣櫃
Gazing at the Rain in April 四月望雨
Seventh Lord and Eighth Lord 七爺八爺
Walis Nokan 瓦歷斯.諾幹 (1961–)
Cherry Blossoms 櫻花
Down the Mountain 下山
About the Atayal 關於泰雅
Education in One’s Mother Tongue 母語教學
ID 身分
Grandfather’s Title Deed 祖父的地契
Chan Tah Wei 陳大為(1969–)
A Kingdom Full of Phantoms 盡是魅影的城國
In East District 在東區
Younger Days 前半輩子
In the South Seas (excerpts) 在南洋(選五)
In the South Seas 在南洋
All Summer, On the River Bank 整個夏季,在河濱
Took Hold of His Palm 接下了掌紋
“Chan Tah Wei” in Simplified Characters 簡寫的陳大為
In Taipei 在台北
II. Taiwan’s Town and Country from the Perspective of“Place”「地方」視角下的台灣鄉土與都市
Tu Kuo-ch’ing 杜國清 (1941–)
At Guanwu Gazing Afar to the Shei-pa Sacred Ridgeline 觀霧遠眺雪霸聖稜線
Forest Bathing 森林浴
Gazing Up at Jade Mountain 玉山仰眺
Confessions of Island and Well 島與井的告白
Climbing the Elephant Mountain Path 登象山步道
Passing Through Da’an Forest Park 進出大安森林公園
Wu Sheng 吳晟 (1944–)
Daybreak Scene 晨景
Soil 泥土
Map of Yams 蕃藷地圖
The Poems Father Sometimes Writes 阿爸偶爾寫的詩
The Burden 負荷
I Will Not Discuss With You 我不和你談論
He is Still Young 他還年輕
Lee Min Yung 李敏勇 (1947–)
This City 這城市
Sunday Afternoon at the Museum of Fine Arts 星期天下午在美術館
City Phenomena 城市現象
Street Scene 街景
Underground Radio Station 地下電台
Sunday Blues 星期天的Blues
A Summer Afternoon in the Post-Cold-War Age 後冷戰年代一個夏日午後
Su Shao-Lian 蘇紹連 (1949–)
Seven Feet of Cloth 七尺布
Hanger 衣架
The Razor 刮鬍刀
Sketches of the Gaomei Wetlands in Bygone Days (selections) 高美濕地舊日掠影(十選二)
Oyster Racks 海邊的棚架
Intertidal Zone 潮間帶
Walking the Gray Street―Recollections of a Town in Hard Times 在灰色的街道上步行―記蕭條的鄉鎮
Retirement Psychology 退休心理學
Laolao Pavilion—For Taiwan’s Immigrant Laborers 勞勞亭――寫外籍勞工
Into the Creases of the City 進入城市的摺痕裡
In the Unreal City 在不真實的城市
Li Yu-Fang 利玉芳 (1952–)
Primeval Love—Sent to the Gaoping River 原始之愛――寄給高屏溪
The Southernmost Point in Taiwan 台灣最南點
Inside and Outside the Portiere 簾裡簾外
Daughter of the Han People 漢人的女兒
The Tropic of Cancer Slowly Passes through the Wetlands 北回歸線緩緩地穿越濕地
We’re on a Badlands Journey 我們在惡地形的旅途上
The Smell of Rain 雨的氣味
Ling Yu 零雨 (1952–)
Thau-siann— In Memory of F 頭城――悼F
What I like 我喜歡
Train 1 火車(1)
Train 2 火車(2)
Train 3 火車(3)
Train 4 火車(4)
My Pastorale 田園
Distant Places 遠處
Du Ye 渡也 (1953–)
The Vermillion Cupboard 朱紅櫥櫃
The Incense Burner of the Xuande Era 宣德香爐
Images Carved from Wood 木刻神像
The Tin Candlestick 錫燭臺
Sketches of Chiayi—The Red-Hairs’ Well 嘉義速記――紅毛井
Sketches of Chiayi—Fire-Chicken Rice 嘉義速記――雞肉飯
Chen Li 陳黎 (1954–)
Imitations of an Atayal Folk Song (2 selections) 擬泰雅族民歌(選二)
History 歷史
The Moonbeam in the Valley 峽谷的月光
Green Onions 蔥
Microcosmos (6 selections) 小宇宙(選六)
The Edge of the Island 島嶼邊緣
Formosa, 1661 福爾摩莎.一六六一
Xiang Yang 向陽 (1955–)
Water Song 水歌
Fog Descended 霧落
Small Station 小站
Dad’s Bento Box 阿爹的飯包
My Brother-in-law the Hand Puppeteer 搬布袋戲的姐夫.
Beyond the Streets of Chiayi—For Chen Cheng-po 嘉義街外――寫給陳澄波
Chang Fang Ci 張芳慈 (1964–)
We Are Here 我們在這裡
Baby Sling 揹帶
Life 生活
National Southern Link Highway 南迴國境
Winter in Shuanghsi 雙溪冬日
Voice of the Conch—A Message for Lukang Elementary School 螺聲――寄語鹿港國小
Yan Ai-Lin 顏艾琳 (1968–)
Parking Spot 車位
Super Vending Machine 超級販賣機
The Surrealism of Love 戀愛的超現實主義
Monodrama 獨角戲
Berry Kid 漿果小孩
III. Awareness of Reality and Poetic Imagination in the Quotidian 日常生活中的現實意識與詩意想像
Li Kuei-shien 李魁賢(1937–)
Parrot 鸚鵡
Sparrows 麻雀
Blood Transfusion 輸血
Stone Tablet 碑
Hsiao Hsiao 蕭蕭(1947–)
Four Breaths of a Flower’s Scent 花香四息
The Wind Enters the Pines 風入松
What’s on the Mind of Tea 茶葉的心事
One Tea Leaf 一葉茶
Sun Moon Red Tea 日月紅茶
Horng Shuling 洪淑苓(1962–)
Earthquake Diary 地震日記
Sparrows 麻雀二題
Written in Lukang for My Daughter 在鹿港寫給女兒
On the Breakfast Table 早餐桌上
The Rocks of Time ― On the Basalt Columns of Penghu 時間之岩――詠澎湖玄武岩
Lee Chin-Wen 李進文 (1965–)
The Independent Travels of a Spanish Coin 一枚西班牙錢幣的自助旅行
Like the Light in a Chagall 長得像夏卡爾的光
Sun Yat-sen and I: October Tenth, the One Hundredth Year of Our Republic 國父與我――中華民國一○○年十月十日
The Little Joys 小美好
Song of the Puyuma 普悠瑪之歌
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