
陳弱水 著






Literary Men and Intellectual Transformations in Tang China, by Jo-shui Chen, Distinguished Professor of History, National Taiwan University, is a major study of intellectual change in China from the eighth to the eleventh century. The subject of this book pertains to the Tang-Song transition, which is widely viewed as one of the greatest historical changes in

China before the coming of Western powers in the late nineteenth century. On the intellectual side, one major outcome of this all-important transformation was the emergence of a new type of Confucianism that evolved into the cultural orthodoxy of late imperial China. This new approach to Confucianism fundamentally altered the previous intellectual order, which had been much more diverse in structure and had included key roles for both Buddhism and Taoism (mainly in the form of the Taoist religion).

In the book, Professor Chen focuses on the earlier phases of these intellectual changes, roughly, from the middle of the eighth century to the late ninth century, corresponding to the middle and late periods of the Tang Dynasty (609-907). He finds that two main strains of thought existed in the mid- and late-Tang Confucian revival. One rejuvenated the traditional form of Confucianism, emphasizing its function in establishing a sound political order. The other carried a strong anti-Buddhist sentiment and posited that Confucianism should be the guiding principle governing the human world as a whole, including spiritual matters and the cosmological significance of human existence. The former represents mainstream thought at the time, while the latter was the primary source of innovation. Professor Chen also finds that the pivotal force generating the intellectual changes in question might not have been ideas in the Confucian revival per se; rather, change was driven by the fact that many literary writers began to promote the Confucian cause after the mid-Tang era. Literary writing was the most prestigious activity in Tang elite culture, and literary writers enjoyed unrivaled status among the literati. As such, the change in focus of the literary community had an enormous intellectual impact. Professor Chen also analyzes the ideas of mid-Tang intellectual leaders in contrast to the generally held beliefs in the earlier periods of medieval China, thus illuminating both early-Tang intellectual outlooks and the essential features of the Confucian revival as an intellectual trend. Professor Chen’s book is distinctive in its approach, addressing multiple subjects related to the phenomenon of the midand late-Tang Confucian revival from diverse perspectives. The book is thus interdisciplinary in character. It extensively explores literary and religious trends and pays detailed attention to the social origins of ideas. Based on these diverse studies, Professor Chen offers a systematic explanation for a great and complex intellectual transition. The book not only elucidates phenomena and developments that have previously failed to receive adequate scholarly attention but also shows the dynamics—or at least some of the important drivers—of this historical change. In addition to achieving a new and expanded understanding of a critical historical shift, the book lays a solid foundation for further inquiry into the foggy intellectual conditions of the tenth and early eleventh centuries.

(Resource: LANDSCAPE January 2017)


1956年生於臺灣屏東。國立臺灣大學歷史學系畢業,美國耶魯大學歷史學博士。曾任教於美國耶魯大學及哥倫比亞大學、加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學、日本東京大學,並長期任職於中央研究院歷史語言研究所。現為臺灣大學歷史學系特聘教授、中央研究院歷史語言研究所合聘研究員,並兼任臺灣大學文學院院長。專長為中國中古史、中國思想史、比較思想史。著有Liu Tsung-yüan and Intellectual Change in T’ang China, 773-819、《中國文化史》(合著)、《公共意識與中國文化》、《唐代的婦女文化與家庭生活》、《唐代文士與中國思想的轉型》以及論文數十篇。

Professor Jo-shui Chen
Department of History
《唐代文士與中國思想的轉型》出版至今已將近六年。刊行以來,雖然欣慰於研究成果方便為學界所利用,但以該書使用簡體,且未完整達成原來構想,終有憾焉,因而有出版增訂本的謀劃。本書增訂情形如下。首先,增加論文〈中晚唐文人與經學〉一篇。我在廣西師範大學版〈自序〉中曾說,本書採取了多重研究法的取向,也就是,利用現代歷史學發展出的各種研究方法來檢視同一現象。我採用的取徑有:個人思想分析、觀念史(history of ideas)、個人與集體心態考察、思想的社會史(social history of thought)、知識社群研究。新增的論文則屬於學術史的類別,為原版所未有,但著重學術演變與知識社群的關聯,又有異於一般學術史論著。其次,在修訂方面,總說〈中古傳統的變異與裂解〉因出版前寫作稍倉促,有不周之處,做了比較多的修訂。書中其他兩文〈墓誌中所見的唐代前期思想〉、〈排佛論說與六、七世紀中國的思想狀態〉也一併修訂,主要是更正錯誤,調整不妥的表述,更改幅度很小。至於其他作品,雖然也全部校看,略有訂正,但處所甚少,不注明為修訂版。另外要說明,〈排佛論說與六、七世紀中國的思想狀態〉在廣西師範大學版題名為〈排佛思潮與六、七世紀中國的思想狀態〉,後者其實是初稿的題目,由於書稿整理時的失誤,誤入書中,現在也更正。經過這樣的整理,本書幾乎可以說是個人對唐代前期與中期思想史研究的定本了。



