“The Place Famed for People, the Mind Illuminated by the Landscape”: the Pursuit of the Epitome and the Text Reconstruction of the Regional Monographs in the Qing Dynasty
Yeh, Ruei-Chen
- PublishedJanuary, 2025
- Binding平裝 / 21*14.8 / 532pages / 單色(黑) / 中文
- Publisher國立臺灣大學出版中心
- SeriesChinese Literature and History Series 157
- ISBN978-986-350-940-0
- GPN1011400058
- Price NT$750
- Paper Books San Min Books / wunan / books.com.tw / National Books / iRead / eslite / TAAZE /
- Preview Google Books
Chinese gardens have a long history and a rich cultural heritage. In addition to their physical spaces, they have also left behind a wealth of written records that possess rich humanistic and social significance. This book focuses on the local garden monographs of the Qing Dynasty , taking writing practices of literary activities as a viewing angle to explore the process of constructing exemplary figures within garden texts, and to discover how the memory of garden spaces connects and links with local society.
Literati of the Qing Dynasty constructed local humanistic and historical paradigms through the compilation of garden monographs, using them to convey educational ideals. The interaction between gardens and people is not merely a one-way, purely subjective experience of construction and appreciation; it also carries interactive significance with the external society and public. This book aims to reveal the documentary value of Qing Dynasty garden monographs, as well as their significance in literary history and social cultural history. Beyond the perspectives of aesthetic appreciation and observation, it further contemplates the possible meanings presented by classical gardens at different levels of space, text, and memory, as well as the various aspects of the symbiotic and negotiating relationship between gardens and local society and cultural communities. It hopes to serve as a facet for exploring the themes of literature, culture, and thought among the literati of the Qing Dynasty.
第一章 導論:園林與園林志
第二章 園林志的類型、編輯意識、表現形式
第三章 官方提倡文教範式的樹立
第四章 道藝之師的情思仰望
第五章 英烈高風與家國忠義的致敬
第六章 重構家鄉――《山陽河下園亭記》的地方歷史記憶與人文圖像再現
第七章 懷舊、重修與不朽――清代園林志的時間意識
第八章 文字與時相――清代園林志的話語運用與世變論述
第九章 結論