Golgi: A Biography of the Founder of Modern Neuroscience

Paolo Mazzarello

  • PublishedDecember, 2023
  • Binding平裝 / 23*17 / 608pages / 單色(黑) / 中文
  • Publisher國立臺灣大學出版中心
  • SeriesEducation-Voyager Series 13
  • ISBN978-986-350-781-9
  • GPN1011201585
  • Price NT$860
  • ebook
    KOBO / Readmoo / 博客來 /
  • Paper Books San Min Books / wunan / books.com.tw / National Books / iRead / eslite / TAAZE /
  • EISBN(PDF)978-986-350-794-9
  • EISBN(EPub)978-986-350-795-6

This book is a complete biography of Camillo Golgi, one of the most prominent European researcher between the Nineteenth and the Twentieth century, a period of dramatic scientific development. The life of Golgi was an extraordinary intellectual adventure in three major fields of biology and medicine, namely the neuroscience, the emerging cell biology and the new science of medical microbiology.

In 1873, Golgi published the description of a revolutionary histological technique which allowed, for the first time, to visualize a single nerve cell with all its ramification which could be followed and analyzed even at a great distance from the cell bodies, the so called black reaction (later named the Golgi method). This invention provided the spark to a truly scientific revolution which allowed the morphology and the basic architecture of the cerebral tissue to be evidenced in all its complexity, thus contributing to the foundation of the modern neuroscience. It has been written that, in the same way Galileo Galilei was able to find new stars observing with his telescope any sky region, Golgi was able to find new nervous structures and nerve cells by applying his black reaction to any brain region. Finally, the details of the most complex structure in the known universe, the brain, could be characterized.

Golgi also strongly contributed to the development of cell biology with the discovery of one of the major organelles of the cell, the internal reticular apparatus (later named the Golgi apparatus or the Golgi complex or simply the Golgi) and to medical microbiology with his description of the human malaria parasitic development inside the red blood cells (Golgi cycle).

He was also a prominent political figure who deeply influenced the Nineteenth century development of science in Italy.


Paolo Mazzarello
Full Professor of History of Medicine at the University of Pavia and President of the University Museum System.


Bi-Chang Chen
Associate Research Fellow of Research Center for Applied Sciences at Academia Sinica.

Chun-Hung Liu
Specialist in Hsinchu Industrial Park.

Yi-Fen Cheng
Research Assistant of Research Center for Applied Sciences at Academia Sinica.

第一章 簡介:介於革新與保守之間
第二章 「學德文的人是叛徒」
第三章 「重生的雅典」
第四章 通往大腦祕密的組織學之路
第五章 小廚房裡的一個簡陋實驗室
第六章 像森林中的一棵樹
第七章 球狀物、顆粒物與纖維狀物
第八章 逃出迷宮
第九章 戀愛中的教授
第十章 感覺小體、漏斗與輸血
第十一章 神經解剖學研究
第十二章 各種研究與爭議
第十三章 間歇性發燒的祕密
第十四章 為安娜.庫利西奧夫而戰
第十五章 瘧疾的論戰
第十六章 神經元的宣揚者們
第十七章 表面上是優先權的問題
第十八章 原生質的泛神論
第十九章 高基vs拉蒙.卡哈爾:神經科學破曉前的整體論vs化約論
第二十章 神經科學的歷史悖論
第二十一章 緊張的實驗室生活
第二十二章 來自米蘭的威脅
第二十三章 「隱藏在細胞體中」的優雅網狀結構
第二十四章 每天都有新發現的實驗室
第二十五章 斯德哥爾摩的美麗與寒冷
第二十六章 重返研究
第二十七章 多年的悲傷
第二十八章 伊西絲的面紗
第二十九章 至死方休
附錄 神經系統中樞器官的精細解剖學
參考文獻一 高基歷年著作
參考文獻二 相關研究或著作
索引一 人名譯名對照
索引二 專有名詞譯名對照