Going to Court: The Transformation of "Judicial Consciousness" in Taiwan under Japanese Rule (Expanded Edition)

Tay-sheng Wang

  • PublishedNovember, 2022
  • Binding平裝 / 21*14.8 / 264pages / 部分彩色 / 中文
  • Publisher國立臺灣大學出版中心
  • SeriesSeries on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies 2
  • ISBN978-986-350-648-5
  • GPN1011101395
  • Price NT$480
  • ebook
    KOBO / TAAZE / books.com.tw /
  • Paper Books San Min Books / wunan / books.com.tw / National Books / iRead / eslite / TAAZE /
  • EISBN(PDF)978-986-350-704-8
  • EISBN(EPub)978-986-350-690-4
Taiwan came under Japanese rule in 1895, and the Taiwanese, who used to say they were “going to the yamen to sue,” began to say “going to court to file a lawsuit.” Faced with the replacement of the traditional Chinese-style and modern Western-style legal systems, the question arises: has people’s conception of “judicial consciousness” been guided in a new direction, or does it still cling to old notions? Does this transformation of legal perspectives differ depending on different socioeconomic classes, regions, gender, and so forth?
From the perspective of institutional framework and its overall operation, this book first points out that compared to the “traditional” criminal litigation, the “modern” judicial judgment in Taiwan during the Japanese rule displayed differences in judicial justice views such as the separation of judgment and mediation, the separation of trial and defense, the separation of trial and inspection, and the separation of administrative and judicial powers, yet the two occasionally intertwined in the national laws of Japanese-ruled Taiwan. It then applies the “Japanese Judicial Archives” to empirical legal research, collecting tens of thousands of civil and criminal case data from the Taipei District Court during the Japanese rule period, encoding them as variables. Through the results of cross-analysis of these variables, it interprets how people’s views on judicial justice may have changed.
In this expanded edition, the traditional and modern intertwining of judicial consciousness on the national legal system, originally described in one chapter, has been expanded into four chapters, forming the “first part;” the original Chapters Two to Five are now the “second part,” which corresponds to the current Chapters Five to Eight. Four arguments are presented, namely the introduction and translation of the concept of “separation of judgment and mediation” in civil disputes, the new system and old concepts of “separation of trial and defense” in civil matters, the ambiguity or negation of “separation of trial and inspection” in criminal cases, and the lack of respect for “separation of administrative and judicial powers,” thus significantly increasing the content.
The fifty years of Japanese rule did indeed set Taiwan’s path from traditional to modern views of judicial consciousness, but the progress, or the degree of transformation, remains quite limited, with remnants of traditional views of judicial consciousness still prevalent everywhere.

Tay-sheng Wang

Chair Professor, National Taiwan University

Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies

Researcher, Institute of Taiwan History & Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica



上篇 國家法制上傳統與現代交織的司法正義觀

第一章 民事紛爭「判調分立」觀念的導入及轉譯後法制
  第一節 清治台灣並無來自西方的現代法制觀念
  第二節 以現代法轉譯成新制但舊有文化觀念猶存
第二章 民事「審辯分立」的新制度與舊觀念
  第一節 訴訟代理人資格由存在私密關係走向具備法律專業
  第二節 被投射為傳統訟師的現代辯護士
  第三節 民眾逐漸但有限的本於審辯分立近用辯護士
第三章 刑事「審檢辯分立」的模糊化或否定
  第一節 附加殖民地特別法的審檢辯分立刑事訴訟程序
  第二節 以審檢辯不分的犯罪即決處理大多數刑案
  第三節 檢察官在新制下的控訴者角色不清晰
第四章 「行政司法分立」不受尊重
  第一節 一個人民陌生且執政者不愛的觀念
  第二節 在殖民地台灣有限的行政司法分立

下篇 人民近用法院與轉型中的司法正義觀

第五章 以人民的法院活動探究其司法正義觀
  第一節 研究上假設
  第二節 分析之單元
  第三節 變數之說明及其運用
第六章 使用法院而體驗依法審判
  第一節 案件類型與使用法院之間的關係
  第二節 住所地與使用法院之間的關係
  第三節 當事人屬性與使用法院之間的關係
第七章 使用辯護士而體驗審辯分立
  第一節 當事人屬性與使用辯護士之關係
  第二節 原告與被告的使用辯護士
  第三節 非自然人的各種團體的使用辯護士
  第四節 促使當事人使用辯護士的其他因素
第八章 與檢察官對辯而體驗審檢辯分立
  第一節 日治時期刑事司法概況
  第二節 年代與接觸專業檢察官之關係
  第三節 略式命令與審檢辯分立之關係
