Viral Loads: Anthropologies of urgency in the time of COVID-19

Lenore Manderson, Nancy J. Burke, Ayo Wahlberg (eds.)

  • PublishedJanuary, 2024
  • Binding平裝 / 23*15 / 598pages / 單色(黑) / 中文
  • Publisher國立臺灣大學出版中心
  • Series
  • ISBN978-986-350-796-3
  • GPN1011300040
  • Price NT$760
  • ebook
    KOBO / Readmoo / TAAZE / /
  • Paper Books San Min Books / wunan / / National Books / iRead / eslite / TAAZE /
  • EISBN(PDF)978-986-350-807-6
  • EISBN(EPub)978-986-350-806-9
Drawing upon the empirical scholarship and research expertise of contributors from all settled continents and from diverse life settings and economies, Viral Loads illustrates how the COVID-19 pandemic, and responses to it, lay bare and load onto people’s lived realities in countries around the world.
A crosscutting theme pertains to how social unevenness and gross economic disparities are shaping global and local responses to the pandemic, and illustrate the effects of both the virus and efforts to contain it in ways that amplify these inequalities. At the same time, the contributions highlight the nature of contemporary social life, including virtual communication, the nature of communities, neoliberalism and contemporary political economies, and the shifting nature of nation states and the role of government. Over half of the world’s population has been affected by restrictions of movement, with physical distancing requirements and self-isolation recommendations impacting profoundly on everyday life but also on the economy, resulting also, in turn, with dramatic shifts in the economy and in mass unemployment.
By reflecting on how the pandemic has interrupted daily lives, state infrastructures and healthcare systems, the contributing authors in this volume mobilise anthropological theories and concepts to locate the pandemic in a highly connected and exceedingly unequal world. The book is ambitious in its scope – spanning the entire globe – and daring in its insistence that medical anthropology must be a part of the growing calls to build a new world.
Ayo Wahlberg、Nancy J. Burke、Lenore Manderson、Susan Levine、Elisa J. Sobo、Elżbieta Drążkiewicz、Hanna Garth、Jennie Gamlin、Sahra Gibbon、Melania Calestani、Aditya Bharadwaj、Cristina A. Pop、Oğuz Alyanak、Ato Kwamena Onoma、Surekha Garimella、Shrutika Murthy、Lana Whittaker、Rachel Tolhurst、Linda Rae Bennett、Setiyani Marta Dewi、Claudia Fonseca、Soraya Fleischer、Abril Saldaña-Tejeda、SabinaFaiz Rashid、Selima Kabir、Kim Ozano、Sally Theobald、Bachera Aktar、Aisha Siddika、Ellen Block、Cecilia Vindrola-Padros、Sof ie Rosenlund Lau、Marie Kofod Svensson、Natasja Kingod、Earvin Charles Cabalquinto、Tanja Ahlin、Haripriya Narasimhan、Mahati Chittem、Pooja Purang、Tsipy Ivry、Sarah Segal-Katz、Rebecca Marsland、Gideon Lasco、Chiara Bodini、Ivo Quaranta
【About the Editors】
Lenore Manderson is Distinguished Professor of Public Health and Medical Anthropology in the School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Nancy J. Burke is Professor of Public Health and Anthropology and John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Endowed Chair, University of California, Merced.
Ayo Wahlberg is Professor at the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen.


1. 導言:分層宜居性和大流行病的影響/Ayo Wahlberg, Nancy J. Burke and Lenore Manderson

第一部分 國家的權力

2. COVID-19時代的醫療和護理:古巴的監測、創造力和社會主義/Nancy J. Burke
3. 流行病軍事化:南非的封鎖控制/Lenore Manderson and Susan Levine
4. 權利、責任與啟示:COVID-19陰謀論與國家/Elisa J. Sobo and Elżbieta Drążkiewicz

第二部分 排斥和指責

5. 2020年洛杉磯抗爭:COVID-19疫情下為生命而戰的黑人/Hanna Garth
6. 英國COVID-19的生物政治:種族主義、民族主義與殖民主義的後世性/Jennie Gamlin, Sahra Gibbon and Melania Calestani
7. 裹屍布竊賊:對冠狀病毒和病毒傳播的偏見/Aditya Bharadwaj
8. 史無前例的時代?COVID-19大流行期間羅馬尼亞的羅姆人與種族歧視/Cristina A. Pop
9. COVID-19大流行期間的土耳其宗教事務局(Diyanet)和政治伊斯蘭/Oğuz Alyanak
10. 攜帶病毒的公民:COVID-19大流行期間塞內加爾邊界內的代罪羔羊/Ato Kwamena Onoma

第三部分 不平等的負擔

11. 印度「拾荒者」在COVID-19大流行防控政策下的應對和呈現出來的現實/Surekha Garimella, Shrutika Murthy, Lana Whittakerand Rachel Tolhurst
12. 擴大效應:印尼COVID-19大流行對性、生殖健康與權利的衝擊/Linda Rae Bennett and Setiyani Marta Dewi
13. COVID-19 大流行內與外的脆弱性:巴西疫情中的殘疾者/Claudia Fonseca and Soraya Fleischer
14. 「你正危害到我的健康」:墨西哥在COVID-19下基因、飲食和生物倫理的關係/Abril Saldaña-Tejeda
15. 孟加拉達卡市貧民窟的貧乏和韌性/Sabina Faiz Rashid, Selima Kabir, Kim Ozano, Sally Theobald, Bachera Aktar and Aisha Siddika

第四部分 醫療護理的範圍

16. 將就湊合:COVID-19與英國和美國醫護的即興發揮/Ellen Block and Cecilia Vindrola-Padros
17. 懸而未決的醫護場景:COVID-19與福祉國家丹麥「穩定疾病」的重新敘述/Sofie Rosenlund Lau, Marie Kofod Svensson, Natasja Kingod and Ayo Wahlberg
18. 可及與不可及的醫療護理:醫療護理的想像與COVID-19大流行時期的連結性/Earvin Charles Cabalquinto and Tanja Ahlin
19. WhatsApp普及國家中的大疫時代:COVID-19期間印度的性別意識形態/Haripriya Narasimhan, Mahati Chittem and Pooja Purang
20. 純潔的危險:處於以色列宗教和公共衛生的間隙/Tsipy Ivry and Sarah Segal-Katz

第五部分 未來的經驗教訓

21. 消解大流行:坦尚尼亞的分離與對傳染病的邏輯/Rebecca Marsland
22. 動盪時期的共同生活:COVID-19在菲律賓/Gideon Lasco
23. COVID-19在義大利:一個為未來準備的新醫療保健文化/Chiara Bodini and Ivo Quaranta
