Bi-Xing, the Correlation of Inner Feeling and Outer Scene, and the Reading of Imagery in the Classical Chinese Poetry

Tsai, Ying-chun

  • PublishedAugust, 2022
  • Binding平裝 / 21*14.8 / 306pages / 單色(黑) / 中文
  • Publisher國立臺灣大學出版中心
  • SeriesAcademic Research Series 13
  • ISBN978-986-350-609-6
  • GPN1011100751
  • Price NT$450
  • ebook
    KOBO / Readmoo / TAAZE / /
  • Paper Books San Min Books / wunan / / National Books / iRead / eslite / TAAZE /
  • EISBN(PDF)978-986-350-687-4
  • EISBN(EPub)978-986-350-703-1
The author delves into the spiritual direction of Chinese poetics through the integration of bi-xing, the correlation of inner feeling and outer scene, and the reading of imagery, focusing on the theoretical origins and foundations of the concept of “integration of scenes and emotions.” Additionally, the author discusses Wang Fu-Chih’s poetic system.
In the tradition of Chinese literature, lyric poetry has been prominent. There has been abundant analysis of the form and aesthetics of lyric poetry, as well as criticisms and discussions derived from the lyrical tradition. The relationship between emotions and scenery, in particular, has been a key issue in Chinese poetic theory, with poets and critics since the Song dynasty emphasizing the importance of the “integration of scenes and emotions.” In fact, scholars from the Han, Wei, and Six Dynasties periods had already discussed the close relationship between emotions and scenery in the context of “bi-xing” and “imagery.”
This book traces the development of bi-xing, imagery, and the integration of scenes and emotions from a historical perspective, outlining a comprehensive picture of the theory of scenes in Chinese poetics. It not only focuses on theoretical analysis of the integration of scenes and emotions but also helps to deepen understanding of its theoretical significance.
Ying-Chun Tsai
TSMC Honorary Chair Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Tsing Hua University


第一章 「情景交融」理論探源
  第一節 「情景交融」理論的歷史起點
  第二節 「抒情自我」的發現與情景要素的確立
  第三節 「情景交融」的美學論題
  附 錄 「溫柔敦厚」釋義
第二章 「情景交融」的理論基礎(上):「比」、「興」
  第一節 「比興」與兩漢詩學:美刺諷諭說
  第二節 「比興」意義的轉變及其美學旨趣
  第三節 「比興」意義的糾結釋例
第三章 「情景交融」的理論基礎(下):「物色」與「形似」
  第一節 「物色」觀念的提出及其理論意義
  第二節 「形似」觀念的發展與演變
  第三節 「物色」與「形似」的美學旨趣
第四章 王夫之詩學體系析論
  第一節 王夫之的哲學思想與《詩廣傳》的定位——兼論王夫之晚年的心境
  第二節 《詩廣傳》的導情說及其與亞理斯多德「淨化]」說的比較
  第三節 《薑齋詩話》與「情景交融」的理論架構
第五章 結論
  第一節 總結本論文的題旨與硏究方式
  第二節 以往硏究成果的檢討
