A Study on the Discussion for Constancy-Expediency of Mourning Practice in Wei and Jin Dynasty

Ti, Jun-Hong

  • PublishedJuly, 2024
  • Binding平裝 / 21*14.8 / 490pages / 單色(黑) / 中文
  • Publisher國立臺灣大學出版中心
  • SeriesChinese Literature and History Series 159
  • ISBN978-986-350-841-0
  • GPN1011300880
  • Price NT$700
  • Paper Books San Min Books / wunan / books.com.tw / National Books / iRead / eslite / TAAZE /
The dissertation concerns with the discussion for constancy-expediency of mourning practice in Wei and Jin dynasty, and explores the causes of the discussion.

For the foundation of this research, the author describes the background of Wei and Jin dynasty. There are many external factors which influence the discussion of mourning practice, including political, social,academic factors and the trend of thought. Therefore, the focus in chapter two is on how does the pedigree thrive, and the situation on the study of Chinese classics, and the trend thought of valuing affection.

In chapter three, the focus is the constancy-expediency thought of Chinese classics.Compared to the previous chapter, the content in this chapter can be described as the thought background of Wei and Jin dynasty. The author expounds the thought of constancy-expediency in “Chou Yi”, “the analects of Confucius” , ” analects of Mencius”, “Chun qiou Gong Yang zhuan” and “Xun Zi” in the first section. The focus in second section is the ideas of constancy-expediency in mourning practice, including “Sang Fu”, “Li Ji”, and the idea of “establishing rituals appropriate to qing” in “Xun Zi” These are the direct sources of discussion for mourning practice in Wei and Jin dynasty.

The theme of chapter four is the opinion of following the principles of “Sang Fu”. Debating on “name and reality” is the focus in the first section. “Name and reality” deeply influences politics and family relationship. Hence, the scholars put great emphasis on them. There are great differences between Wei and Jin dynasty with previous dynasties in politics relationship. And marriages among high family standing cause complicated relations among members of the gentry in their own clan. The central issue in the second section is about blood-relationship inheritance. This kind of inheritance is following Chinese classical principles. However, owing to the turbulent period, there are many different opinions which show people who following the regulation still have flexible thoughts. The third section is centering on classics interpretation. In Wei and Jin dynasty, many scholars who participate in discussion about mourning practice tend to make their opinions comply with the rules of Chinese classical principles, and they usually accomplish the purpose by reinterpreting classics.

The theme of chapter five is the discussion for expediency of mourning practice, and highlighted the meanings of “qi”, which means affection towards people and the situation of reality. In the first section, the author discusses about the trend of emphasis on affection, which makes scholars in Wei and Jin dynasty rethink the principles of classics, and make them put forward some opinions which go against the principles of classics, but conforms the needs of affection. In the second section, the focus is on the change of times which the principle of classics could not keep up, and what do scholars in Wei and Jin do about it. There are two important issues about it: “two wives” and “heirs of different second name”. These two issues go against the principle of classics, but conform the needs of reality. Furthermore, the two issues demonstrate that constancy contains expediency ,and expediency contains constancy. In the third section, we focus on three essentials, including “inferring the interpretations of classics from one’s own understanding”, “following kind ways to practice mourning ” and “the use of emotional and interpersonal analogy”. The scholars in Wei and Jin often use the three ways to solve realistic predicaments. They need to be made a thorough inquiry.

The sixth chapter focuses on the opinions which equally attach importance to constancy and expediency, including “following precedents”, “mourning inward”, “shortening mourning period”, and “ending mourning for public affairs”. All these methods or systems come from classics, and this shows that people in Wei and Jin still value the principles of classics. And when they use these methods or systems in practice, they usually use in different ways or expand the range of application to respond to the realistic needs, which can be regarded as expediency. In this way, people take power, satisfy their own affection, stabilizepolitical orders.
Ti Jun-Hong
Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University.

第壹章 緒論
  第一節 研究宗旨與範圍
  第二節 前人研究回顧
  第三節 研究方法與章節安排
第貳章 魏晉服議的時代背景
  第一節 門第社會與〈喪服〉的關係
  第二節 魏晉經學的矛盾現象
  第三節 重情的時代思潮
第參章 儒家經典中的經權
  第一節 順時應變之經權思想
  第二節 喪服論之經權思想
第肆章 魏晉服議守經之議論
  第一節 名實關係之辨析
  第二節 宗支繼承之相關服議
  第三節 重新詮釋經典之議論
第伍章 魏晉服議行權之議論
  第一節 因應人情之服議
  第二節 因應時局之服議
  第三節 因應情實的特殊議論方式
第陸章 魏晉服議經權並重之議論
  第一節 依循「故事」之議論
  第二節 心喪之議論
  第三節 短喪與既葬除喪之議論
  第四節 公除之議論
第柒章 結論