Searching for The Welfare State: Social Justice Theory and Its Institutional Implementation
Tzong-Li Hsu (ed.)
- PublishedDecember, 2017
- Binding平裝 / 21*15 / 696pages / 單色(黑) / 中文
- Publisher國立臺灣大學出版中心
- SeriesSeries on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies 3
- ISBN978-986-350-261-6
- GPN1010601777
- Price NT$620
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Our nation’s constitution is imbued with a deep spirit of social justice. Based on the principle of furthering the people’s well-being and implementing social justice, the social justice it seeks is a type of substantive equality. The constitution is not aimed at simply prohibiting unreasonable differential treatment; rather, it seeks to proactively facilitate the elimination or reduction of such inequality in the country.
Yet, how does this noble aim play out in reality? The wealth gap continues to widen, citizens are subject to an unfair tax system, and educational resources are allocated unevenly. Why is there such an enormous divide between the way things are and the way things should be for achieving a welfare state? How do we bridge this gap to bring about social justice and realize the ideal of a welfare state?
The book, Searching for the Welfare State: Social Justice Theory and Its Institutional Implementation, which addresses these issues in depth was published by NTU Press in January. The book’s editor, Tzong-Li Hsu, serves as the president of Taiwan’s Judicial Yuan as well as an adjunct professor at the NTU College of Law. The book includes chapters by 12 public intellectuals with different areas of specialization who approach these issues from a variety of perspectives to address the institutional implementation of social justice in different areas of society.
The book covers three realms of social justice: the constitution and social justice, protecting the disadvantaged and social justice, and public policy and social justice. Moreover, the authors address the issues of social justice from three perspectives: (1) the legal foundation of the constitution of a welfare state, (2) the implementation and maintenance of protections for the disadvantaged in a welfare state, and (3) critiques of current public policy.
第一章 憲法規範下的社會正義:以基本國策的規範效力為中心╱林明昕
第二章 大法官解釋與社會正義之實踐╱許宗力
第三章 論平等與法治:評司法院釋字第728號解釋女子不得為祭祀公業派下成員案╱莊世同
第四章 多元民主共和的平等與差異:原住民族特殊群體權利的若干思考╱石忠山
第五章 從義務到權利:論母性保護制度的轉向與重構╱陳昭如
第六章 從隔離、保護到平等參與社會:以身心障礙者權利公約檢視我國憲法及身心障礙者權益保障法之平等原則內涵╱孫迺翊
第七章 社會正義、權力關係與法律形式自由:勞動派遣作為典型的艱難問題╱林佳和
第八章 社會正義與稅捐立法政策:以Tipke租稅正義理論為中心的思考╱鍾芳樺
第九章 平等或適足?兩種教育正義觀的比較╱陳俊宏
第十章 十二年國民基本教育與社會正義:平等接受高級中等教育的機會?╱周志宏
第十一章 臺灣所得分配惡化的政治經濟基礎:一個政治的解釋╱呂建德、葉崇揚