


林讚標 著




◆ 五大亞科下各類群依屬名與學名之A至Z排列,易於查閱。
◆ 500張手繪圖,近550張稀有物種與原花解析彩色照片,清晰呈現台灣野生蘭的內外特徵。
◆ 「蘭亞科、族與亞族演化關係卡通圖」彩色拉頁,讓你按圖索驥,透過相似外型,查詢到野生蘭的屬與種。
◆ 各級檢索表協助你鑑定任何一種野生蘭植物。
The number of native orchid species, including variety and natural hybrid, in Taiwan is estimated to be around 477 across four subfamilies. This book is the most comprehensive work delving into the history of collection and research efforts on Taiwan’s native orchids, spanning over 170 years by both international and local scholars. More significantly, this book helps its readers to develop an evolutionary perspective on Orchidaceae that has evolved over a long history.
Key Features:
◆ Genera and species under the four subfamilies are arranged in alphabetical order, making it easy to reference.
◆ 500 line-drawings, as well as nearly 550 color photographs of rare species and detailed floral parts, provide a clear presentation of the internal and external characteristics of Taiwan’s native orchids.
◆ The fold-out pages “Cartoon Diagrams of the Evolutionary Relationships of Orchid Subfamilies, Tribes, and Subtribes” in the front of the book allow readers to identify genera and species based on their similar appearances.
◆ Artificial keys assist readers in identifying any species of our native orchids.