Digital Phantasms: The Archivization of History and Memory

Yu-lin Lee

  • PublishedSeptember, 2023
  • Binding平裝 / 21*14.8 / 360pages / 部分彩色 / 中文
  • Publisher國立臺灣大學出版中心
  • SeriesLiterature and Culture of Taiwan Series 17
  • ISBN978-986-350-759-8
  • GPN1011201143
  • Price NT$600
  • ebook
    KOBO / Readmoo / TAAZE / /
  • Paper Books San Min Books / wunan / / National Books / iRead / eslite / TAAZE /
  • EISBN(PDF)978-986-350-778-9
  • EISBN(EPub)978-986-350-777-2
Digital Phantasms: The Archaivization of History and Memory is a scholarly exposition structured into three segments encompassing eight chapters. This work converges upon the nuanced predicament of digitality, thereby introducing a novel aesthetic paradigm and archival ethics within the contemporary cultural milieu. In essence, digitality manifests as an elusive, spectral trajectory upon the surface of digital archives, elucidated through the experimental endeavors in digital production by Taiwanese artists. With an exhaustive investigative approach, this monograph critically examines the landscape of contemporary digital cultural production in Taiwan across diverse domains, including literature, film, and contemporary art. Its ambition is to furnish a comprehensive compendium featuring meticulous case studies and extensive theoretical dialogues addressing the intricate dimensions of these emergent issues.
Employing a theoretical framework anchored in the scholarship of Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, Barthes, and other luminaries, the narrative navigates the multifaceted realm of digital objects. These encompass digital archives, documentaries, films, artworks, and installations – artifacts engendered through diverse digital technologies. Consequently, they serve as exemplary instances, elucidating the operational logic of digitality that substantiates the contemporary production of digital archives and artworks. Through scrupulous scrutiny of these digital archival entities, the text articulates a perspicacious testament to the logic of digitality prevalent in contemporary Taiwanese cultural production. Furthermore, it propounds a pioneering exemplar for prospective scholarly investigations within the evolving domain of digital cultural studies.

Yu-lin Lee, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica 


第一部分 文學史的數位星圖

第一章 一部數位文學史的完成:從李昂數位主題館的建置談起
第二章 以作家之名,兼論媒介翻譯:以駱以軍與伊格言數位主題館為例
第三章 朝向少數的文學史編纂:論《日曜日式散步者》紀錄片及其策展

第二部分 影像的保存與見證

第四章 歷史的魅影:《南進台灣》的數位典藏
第五章 歷史的影像事件:《賽德克.巴萊》作為視聽檔案
第六章 影像的見證:《大佛普拉斯》的數位音像組配

第三部分 歷史的感覺圖表

第七章 數位與手作:吳天章錄像裝置藝術的歷史圖表
第八章 歷史的數位感知:以《異人茶跡》新媒體策展為例
